Christmas Quiz 2024 Answers

Thank you for all your entries to the quiz, and for the donations many of you added to your entry
fees. From the number of people who completed the whole form, I guess the questions were fairly
straightforward this year, although the film-related ones caused some of you a few problems.
This year’s winners have now been drawn and contacted. This year the main prize-winners are
from the Petworth area, Warwickshire, Hampshire and Gloucestershire. The Midlands did
especially well this year with two prizewinners from Gloucestershire and two from Shropshire. The
furthest-flung prizewinner was from the Channel Islands.

Provisional results suggest that we will have raised over £23,000. We have many projects in mind
for improvements to the Nursing Home and will report later in the year on our website on how we
have been spending the money. One project is to make improvements to the garden to make it
easier for our residents to enjoy it. This will go ahead when the weather improves. All of this is
thanks to you!

The prize for the sayings you make up yourself is still to be judged and the winning entries will be
posted on the website This may take a week or two so please bear with us.
Here now are the answers. All of the winners had the answers I intended, but I give details of
some variants, and whether I would have allowed them if they had been included in entries which
were drawn for a prize.

A You and Yours
1. You ain’t seen nothing yet
2. You’ve got to be joking
3. Your money or your life
4. You cannot (or can’t) be serious
5. You are what you eat
6. You’ll never walk alone
7. You dirty rotten scoundrel (or swine), you! Sorry the printing of the exclamation mark made it
look a bit too much like a letter I
8. You know it makes sense
9. Your country needs you
10. You’ve never had it so good

B. To Do with Being Happy
1. Happy days are here again
2. Old King Cole was a merry old soul
3. The Merry Wives of Windsor
4. To laugh all the way to the bank
5. To be as happy as Larry
6. The more the merrier
7. God rest ye merry, gentlemen. It was pointed out to me by one contestant that I had the
comma in the wrong place but it doesn’t seem to have thrown you
8. The Happiest Days of your Life
9. Service with a smile
10. Robin Hood and his merry men

C. Colour
1. To paint the town red
2. Out of the blue
3. To get the green light for something
4. To show your true colours
5. Once in a blue moon
6. As good as gold
7. Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
8. As fresh as paint. It seems quite a few of you had not heard this expression
9.To be green with envy
10. Dyed in the wool

D. Waterways and Highways
1.Bridge over Troubled Water
2.To sell somebody down the river. Some had send rather than sell. I’m not convinced this
should be allowed, but the winners had sell so the point didn’t arise.
3. Let’s get this show on the road
4. To swap horses in mid-stream
5. That’s water under the bridge
6. To be middle-of-the-road
7. To hit the trail/track/tarmac
8. A Bridge Too Far
9. To be off the beaten track
10. Up the creek without a paddle

E. Film-related
1.One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
2. Here’s looking at you kid (a quotation from Casablanca)
3.Rebel Without a Cause
4.Who Framed Roger Rabbit
5.May the Force be with you (a quotation from Star Wars)
6.The Seven Year Itch
7.Go ahead, make my day. I thought this was a quotation from Dirty Harry but it turns out it’s
from one of the sequels Sudden Impact.
8.The Talented Mr Ripley. Many of you found this one difficult
9. I’ll have what she’s having (a quotation from When Harry met Sally)
10. Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn (a quotation from Gone with the Wind)

F. To do with Feet
1.And did those feet in ancient time…?
2.One foot in the grave
3.To put the boot in
4.To be rushed (or run) off one’s feet
5.Bless your cotton socks
6.To toe the line
7.To put one’s feet up
8.Put a sock in it!
9.To follow in somebody’s footsteps
10. Footsteps in the sands of time

G. Clues instead of words
1. Switch it off and switch it on again
2. So quiet you could hear a pin drop
3.When push comes to shove. (Many of you found this one difficult)
4.Finders keepers, losers weepers. (And this one too)
5.Enough to make your blood boil
6.First past the post
7.Rock around the Clock
8.A hard nut to crack
9.We’ll always have Paris. (Casablanca again!)
10. All good things come to an end

Once again, thank you to all who took part, and especially to those who sent kind messages of
support, and helpful suggestions. We will carry out some these next time. If you remembered to
tick the box asking for the quiz next Christmas then we’ll be in touch, and we hope to hear from
you again then.

Andrew Brooke